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“Head Start has impacted me and my family in so many ways. Many may view Head Start as just another daycare, but for me it was a learning environment that taught my kids more than just their ABCs or the names of shapes. It was a place they were taught how to be caring humans, how to interact with one another, all while building their curiosity about the world around them. My 18-year-old son is about to graduate high school and he still remembers that one purple haired teacher who instilled in him the love for learning.
I also worked at Head Start for several years which has greatly benefited me and my career today. I was taught to love and care for my students as well as how to teach with compassion by using Conscious Discipline, as well as from the example of some great role models."
Nicole, former parent and employee
“I was first introduced to Head Start when my son started the program. He is now 17 and starting his senior year in August. I was involved with the parent committee as the secretary and worked closely with the program. I gained a real understanding of what my role was in my children’s education. I was able to build a relationship with the staff that encouraged and motivated me to become a substitute teacher. I worked with Head Start for two years as a sub and started the process of obtaining my CDA in preschool. I enjoyed coming in and working with the children and wanted a better understanding of how children developed and learned..."
Part 1
Amelia, former parent, and current employee, 13 years
"...In 2010, I made the transition from a substitute teacher to an Early Head Start teacher and worked as an EHS teacher for 13 years. I have encountered many young children in my years of working with EHS but the reason I continuously stayed as an EHS teacher was the impact and difference I could make in a child’s development and learning. That passion drove me to start my bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education which I received in 2022, and now I am the center director for Jeff Dock CDC. I would like to be able to influence staff, parents, and others of the difference we can make in a child’s life and their foundation of learning."
Part 2
Amelia, former parent, and current employee, 13 years
"I was just 20 years old when I started working for the Head Start Program. This program has helped me through my educational career as well as my family life. The agency has seen me grow as a person and as an employee. I was able to go to school and learn so much about Child Development. I have raised 3 of my own children as well as hundreds of my Head Start children. I have seen many families succeed with the help of the agency. I have learned to value what I do as an educator and value the little minds that will someday become the leaders of tomorrow. Now, I am able to help new employees, as they start their journey with our agency, just as I did 26 years ago!"
SM current employee, 26 years